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Archive for the category “Societal Collapse”

America Has A Morality Problem, Not A Gun Problem

Submitted by Shahe_B on Sat, 12/15/2012 – 00:01

Our government justifies murder every single day.

We’ve been at war my entire life. We’ve been at war for the majority of my father’s life. We’ve been at war for the majority of the existence of this country. This country doesn’t just co-exist with violence, it promotes it. It profits off of it. It uses it as a tool, not just politically, but economically. If you haven’t heard the term “broken window policy”, look it up. It’s the notion that if something is destroyed, there will be an economic gain from rebuilding it. That’s Keynesianism and Keynesianism is the main economic philosophy that runs this country and the economies of many of the other western countries.

It is a violent philosophy in nature and through it we justify military spending and military raiding. It’s what we do and it’s what we teach kids. Falsely attributing economic recovery and prosperity to war time. I learned that in the 4th grade. “What got us out of the Great Depression, kids?” “WORLD WAR II!!!!” The class would answer unanimously.

If you teach kids that war is profitable and that money is the key to happiness, people will support war so long as they perceive it as a means to make their life wealthier and happier.

And it works. When I was young, I bought that message hook, line and sinker. I’m not brilliant but I’m no idiot. Yet it sounded reasonable to me, the correlation was there and the logic made sense, at least to a child it did. But it was all a lie. I won’t get into it here, go read Bastiat.

Through the propaganda of pushing war, we also justify murder and violence. How many protests and outcries do you hear when we drone an entire village of children in Pakistan or Yemen? Or when we drop a few bombs on a wedding or a funeral in the Middle East? It happens all the time and we just shrug our shoulders and move on. It’s acceptable violence and through that acceptance we become numb.

Then there’s the ultimate propaganda wing for violence; the media. News, movies, video games and even toys profit off of violence. News channels can’t get enough coverage of murder, war, school shootings, hostage situations. Just watch the news and count how many serious positive stories they tell and how many violent stories they tell.

Then go to the movies or watch a television show. Violence is everywhere. Just look at the list of biggest movie blockbusters. Look at that list, almost every one of the Top 10 movies center around violence or war. Think of some of the most famous actors or characters in American cinema history; James Bond, Rambo, Terminator, Darth Vader, all hyper-violent murderers.

Then go to Toys-R-Us and take a stroll through the toy section. Soldiers, guns, fighting toys, it’s like a plastic military bunker in there. Whatever happened to building blocks and engineering toys? Even Legos have added guns and lasers and swords to every set. Then walk into the video game section. Modern Warfare, Battlefield, Halo. “Kill, kill, kill, murder, murder, murder.”

And we wonder why we have a violent society?

People want to blame inanimate objects. But that’s what we like to do in America, blame others. We blame guns for murder just like we blame role models for our lack of parenting, we blame the successful for our own shortcomings. The problem is our own society and how we shift the blame from the responsible party to their choice of weapon.

I own 5 guns myself, never had to use one. We keep one at the family store where we’ve been robbed at gun point 6 times over the last 10 years, once with shots being fired. Luckily, never once when a family member was there. Not sure how I would have reacted if I was but I do feel safer knowing that if I or someone from my family is there, they have some sort of defense against the criminals.

There are hundreds of millions of guns in this country and tens of millions of gun owners. The majority of which go their entire lives without using the gun for crime let alone thinking about doing so. If guns were truly to blame, we’d have 80 million murderers living within our own borders. The law abiding citizens have guns and want to keep owning guns because violent people have guns. Criminals have guns. Governments have guns. Police have guns. The 2nd amendment is there to level the playing field. We have these rights and they are defended in the Constitution to allow law abiding citizens the ability to defend, deter and defeat violence, criminals and tyrants.

Children are dead and that’s the worst kind of tragedy. However, the gun isn’t responsible, the gunman is. 22 children were stabbed in China by a man this week, while none of them died, 15 children have been killed since 2010 in that country. Evil people will do evil things. Murderers don’t need guns to kill just like terrorists don’t need guns to kill just like drunk drivers don’t need guns to kill. Someone woke up this morning and decided they want to kill children. If you don’t see some sort of physiological issue there than I’ve wasted my time with this post. Someone who is willing to kill children is willing to do a lot of inhumane things, even in the absence of guns. There is a problem with his morality and his mentality.

Guns and gun owners aren’t the problem, it’s how they are used and more importantly who they are used by that’s the problem. Dig deeper than that and you’ll find that the real problem is how the American society promotes the same behaviors through war and media which end up causing us the greatest anguish.

We are violent and irresponsible and more importantly we are delusional and unwilling to get to the root of our problems, the morality of this country.

You can’t legislate violence out of a society by outlawing objects or even actions. If that worked, we’d have won the “War on Drugs” 50 years ago. Just as how prohibition didn’t work in the 1920 and it actually increased usage along with illegal activities and violence, gun bans won’t work. You can’t change the morality of people through the passage of laws, if that worked, we’d have empty prisons and a Utopian society. But clearly that doesn’t work seeing how we have the highest prison population rate in the world and we still can’t end the violent culture of this country.

We have some serious mental health issues in this country and no one is willing to do a thing about it. The mental capacity to justify killing children, whether it be a citizen or our government, is a serious issue that goes beyond the existence of the gun. When we see issues arise in a person, we are afraid to talk to them, get them help or confront them, just like we are afraid to parent our own children. We see the all the signs that a person isn’t right and most of us choose to walk away from the problem instead of resolving it. If you see someone who needs help, help them or get them help. It’s that simple. Don’t walk away thinking they become someone else’s problem. Society’s problem is everyone’s problem. You can’t walk away from these things and how that they disappear.

This morality problem is an issue that is at the very base of our societal roots and it’s one we have failed to address. Change can’t come by force or by legislation. The people have to be willing to accept that change. It has to be an intellectual change. We need to teach our children, hope that the learn to become moral citizens. We must condemn violence regardless if it’s perpetrated by a local crook or by our military and government. There are no exceptions to morality, violence is violence. Murder is murder. Don’t try to justify it and don’t teach others to ignore it.

America has a decision to make, especially with the rise of mass shootings and the call for gun bans across the country, are we going to finally solve our morality problem or are we going to deffer the blame and ban guns?

Thanks for reading.

Society Is Crumbling Right In Front Of Our Eyes And Banning Guns Won’t Help

What in the world is happening to America?  I have written many articles about how society is crumbling right in front of our eyes, but now it is getting to the point where people are going to be afraid to go to school or go shopping at the mall.  Just consider what has happened over the past week.  Adam Lanza savagely murdered 20 children and 6 adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut.  42-year-old Marcus Gurrola threatened to shoot innocent shoppers and fired off more than 50 rounds in the parking lot of Fashion Island Mall in Newport Beach, California.  After police apprehended him, he told them that he “was unhappy with life”.  Earlier in the week, a crazy man wearing a hockey mask and armed with a semi-automatic rifle opened fire on the second floor of a mall in Happy Valley, Oregon.  He killed two people and injured a third.  On Saturday morning, a lone gunman walked into a hospital in Alabama and opened fire.  He killed one police officer and two hospital employees before being gunned down by another police officer.  So have we now reached the point where every school, every mall and every hospital is going to need armed security?  How will society function efficiently if everyone is constantly worried about mass murderers?

In response to the horrible tragedy in Connecticut, many in the mainstream media are suggesting that much stricter gun laws are the obvious solution.

After all, if we get rid of all the guns these crazy people won’t be able to commit these kinds of crimes, right?

Unfortunately, that is not how it works.  The criminals don’t obey gun control laws.  Banning guns will just take them out of the hands of law-abiding American citizens that just want to protect their own families.

Adam Lanza didn’t let the strict gun control laws up in Connecticut stop him from what he wanted to do.  Connecticut already has some of the strictest gun laws in the nation, and Adam Lanza broke at least three of them.

However, if there had been some armed security officers or some armed teachers at that school, they may have had a chance to protect those dear little children from being brutally gunned down.

If gun control was really the solution to our problems, then cities that have implemented strict gun control laws should be some of the safest in the entire country.

But sadly, just the opposite is true.

For example, Chicago has very strict gun laws.  But 10 people were shot in the city of Chicago on Friday alone.  Chicago is now considered to be “the deadliest global city“, and the murder rate in Chicago is about 25 percent higher than it was last year.

So has gun control turned Chicago into a utopia?

Of course not.

And it won’t solve our problems on a national level either.

You can find more statistics about the futility of gun control right here.

Well, how would things be if we did just the opposite and everyone had a gun?

Would gun crime go through the roof?

That is what liberals were warning of when the city of Kennesaw, Georgia passed a law requiring every home to have a gun.  But instead of disaster, the results turned out to be very impressive

In March 1982, 25 years ago, the small town of Kennesaw – responding to a handgun ban in Morton Grove, Ill. – unanimously passed an ordinance requiring each head of household to own and maintain a gun. Since then, despite dire predictions of “Wild West” showdowns and increased violence and accidents, not a single resident has been involved in a fatal shooting – as a victim, attacker or defender.

The crime rate initially plummeted for several years after the passage of the ordinance, with the 2005 per capita crime rate actually significantly lower than it was in 1981, the year before passage of the law.

Prior to enactment of the law, Kennesaw had a population of just 5,242 but a crime rate significantly higher (4,332 per 100,000) than the national average (3,899 per 100,000). The latest statistics available – for the year 2005 – show the rate at 2,027 per 100,000. Meanwhile, the population has skyrocketed to 28,189.

When criminals know that everyone has guns, they are much less likely to try something.  And often armed citizens are able to prevent potential mass murderers from doing more damage.  You can find several examples of this right here.

But of course most of our politicians are not interested in common sense.  Instead, they are obsessed with the idea that gun control will make our country “safe” again.

Senator Diane Feinstein says that she is ready to introduce a strict gun control bill in January that will “ban the sale, the transfer, the importation and the possession” of many types of firearms.

Will such a law keep the criminals from getting guns?

No way.  Just look at what is happening with the cartels down in Mexico.  The criminals are always able to get guns.

If our “leaders” were really interested in stopping these mass murders, they would take a look at the role that mind-altering pharmaceutical drugs play in these incidents.  If you look at the mass murders that have occurred over the past several decades, in the vast majority of them the murderer had been using mind-altering pharmaceutical drugs

The Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP) has raised concerns about severe acts of violence as side effects of anti-psychotic and antidepressant drugs not only on individuals but on society as well.

Just a month ago PRWeb described drug induced violence as “medicine’s best kept secret.” 

And the Citizens Commission on Human Rights International (CCHRI) is calling for a federal investigation on its web page which links no less than 14 mass killings to the use of psychiatric drugs such as Prozac and Paxil.

And guess what?

According to the Washington Post, one neighbor says that Adam Lanza was “on medication”.

But will our politicians ever consider a law against such drugs?

Of course not.  The big corporations that produce those drugs give mountains of money to the campaign funds of our politicians.

So the focus of the debate will remain on guns.

And a lot of liberals would have us believe that our society could be transformed into some type of “utopia” if we could just get rid of all the guns.

Unfortunately, that is simply not true.  Our society is in an advanced state of moral decay, and this moral decay is manifesting in our society in thousands of different ways.  The corruption runs from the highest levels of society all the way down to the lowest.

For those that believe that gun control would somehow “fix America”, I have some questions for you…

Down in Texas, one set of parents kept their 10-year-old son locked in a bedroom and only fed him bread and water for months.  Eventually he died of starvation and they dumped his body in a creek.

Would banning guns have kept that from happening?

A pastor in north Texas was recently assaulted by an enraged man who beat him to death with an electric guitar.

Would banning guns have kept that from happening?

Police up in New Jersey say that a man kept his girlfriend padlocked in a bedroom for most of the last 10 years.

Would banning guns have kept that from happening?

A 31-year-old man up in Canada was found guilty of raping an 8-year-old girl, breaking 16 of her bones and smashing her in the face with a hammer.

Would banning guns have kept that from happening?

According to the FBI, a New York City police officer is being accused of “planning the kidnap, rape, torture and cannibilization of a number of women”.

Would banning guns have kept that from happening?

A Secret Service officer that had been assigned to protect Joe Biden’s residence has been charged with sexually assaulting a 14-year-old girl.

Would banning guns have kept that from happening?

Over in Texas, a very sick 29-year-old man stabbed his girlfriend to death and then burned his one-year-old baby alive because she had gone to court and filed for child support.

Would banning guns have kept that from happening?

Over in Utah, a 21-year-old man is accused of stabbing his grandmother 111 times and then removing her organs with a knife.

Would banning guns have kept that from happening?

There are more than 3 million reports of child abuse in the United States every single year.

Would banning guns keep that from happening?

An average of five children die as a result of child abuse in the United States every single day.

Would banning guns keep that from happening?

The United States has the highest child abuse death rate on the entire globe.

Would banning guns keep that from happening?

It is estimated that 500,000 Americans that will be born this year will be sexually abused before they turn 18.

Would banning guns keep that from happening?

In the United States today, it is estimated that one out of every four girls is sexually abused before they become adults.

Would banning guns keep that from happening?

If there was a way to take all of the guns away from all of the criminals, I would be all in favor of it.  Unfortunately, no government on the planet has been able to do that.

Instead, we have seen that criminals thrive whenever gun bans are instituted and the guns are taken away from law-abiding citizens.

But the bottom line is that our social decay will not be solved either by more guns or less guns.

Our social decay is the result of decades of bad decisions.  We have pushed morality out of our schools, out of government and out of almost every aspect of public life.  Now we are experiencing the bitter fruit of those decisions.

And this is not a problem that our government is going to be able to fix.  Violent crime increased by 18 percent in 2011, and this is just the beginning.

As our economy gets even worse, the rot and decay that have been eating away the foundations of America are going to become even more evident.  The number of Americans living in poverty grows with each passing day, and millions upon millions of people are becoming very desperate.

Desperate people do desperate things, and crime, rioting and looting are going to become commonplace in the United States in the years ahead.

So you can pretend that the government is going to be able to keep our society from crumbling all you want, but that is not going to help you when a gang of desperate criminals has invaded your home and is attacking your family.

We definitely should mourn for the victims in Connecticut.  It was a horrible national tragedy.

But this is just the beginning.  The fabric of our society is coming apart at the seams.  The feeling of safety and security that we all used to take for granted has been shattered, and the streets of America are going to steadily become much more dangerous.

I hope that you are ready.

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